Zonta honours young women in Public Affairs

The Zonta Club of Armidale Inc. presented its annual awards for Young Women In Public Affairs at a recent dinner meeting. The Awards recognise young women, who are still at school, for their outstanding contribution to their schools and the wider community.

Following interviews of the short-listed finalists, the judging panel of Zontians Helen Gee (chair) and Ruth Machalias, and a guest panellist from the community Deborah King, was faced with the task of choosing the winner from the group of accomplished young women.

For 2013 the winner is Samantha Bullen from O’Connor Catholic High School, who spoke to the Club members about “Women and Society”. Her entry has been forwarded to the district level of Zonta International, and should she be successful, her entry will go on to the International level. The Judging Panelists felt that Samantha showed an in depth awareness of local and international Zonta programs and were very impressed with her desire to work with women and the disadvantaged, and the way she takes the initiative in fund raising and in making difficult decisions.

The judges announced Annabel Paul from Presbyterian Ladies’ College as the runner up. They were particularly impressed by the way Annabel gives back to her community and really admired her personal motto of “live life in service to others”.

Every year Zonta women look forward to this Award meeting during which the young women speak, and the President of the Zonta Club of Armidale Inc, Karen Tromp, and Vice President, Linda Andrews, commented on the high quality of the girls and the contribution they all make to their schools and community in many areas. Samantha and Annabel are both outstanding examples of the bright future of leadership in this country.

Christine Pulley, the convener of the Awards, has enjoyed the high standard maintained by applicants over many years, and again encourages girls from all local High Schools who are in Year 11 this year to enter this award when entries for 2013 are called for in August.

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