State of the arts

APPLICATIONS for the 2014 round of the Country Arts Support Program (CASP) are now open and will be accepted until 1 October.
CASP is a small grants program which provides funding to arts and community organisations and local arts councils in regional New South Wales. Groups with an idea for short-term, locally-initiated projects should contact Arts North West to discuss their ideas.
“If you, or someone you know, has an idea for an arts project in 2014 you may be able to access a little extra support through CASP,” Arts North West regional arts development officer Jane Kreis said.
“In past years CASP funding has enabled some great projects to come to fruition in our region.”
The CASP application pack for 2014 is available for applicants to download from the Regional Arts NSW website
For more information or to discuss projects ideas, contact Jane Kreis at Arts North West on (02) 6732 4988 or by email

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