$250,000 for NERAM

THREE major art collections housed at the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) will live in a better preservation environment thanks to a Federal Government grant of $250,000 announced in the Federal Budget last week.
The Howard Hinton Collection, the Chandler Coventry Collection and the NERAM Collection comprise more than 4,700 works which need to have better environmental controls installed to ensure their longevity at the NERAM.
Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor is pleased that the Australian Government will help to upgrade the system so that future generations will have access to this wonderful community facility.
“The New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) has become an integral part of the cultural facilities in Armidale and more broadly the New England Region.
“Its assets must be preserved and I am very pleased that the Australian Government has recognised this fact by contributing $250,000 towards upgrading the environment control system.
“Artwork is very fragile – particularly the older pieces and NERAM houses many very valuable older pieces.
“I congratulate the NERAM Board for their commitment and dedication to this great community facility and look forward to the community being able to enjoy many future exhibitions,” Mr Windsor said.

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