Controlling Tweed pests


TWEED Shire Council, the Livestock Health and Pest Authority and NSW National Parks Service are set to work together to control feral dogs and foxes on the Tweed Coast.
The project, funded by the NSW Environmental Trust, is set to start with a public meeting at the Cabarita Beach Bowls and Sports Club on 27 May from 6pm to 7.30pm.
The meeting will provide information to landholders on the feral dog and fox control project, as well as explaining the benefits of neighbours working collectively to do 1080 baiting to control these feral animals.
“We are looking for landholders within the project area that would like to participate in group baiting programs,” said pest management officer Tanya Fountain.
“All the science points towards group baiting projects being the most effective in controlling the impacts of feral dogs and foxes, and we would really like to work with our neighbours in undertaking this style of management on the Tweed Coast.”      Livestock Health and Pest Authority Rangers Neil Hing and Dean Chamberlain will provide information on the services LHPA will provide to this project, as well as information on the impacts of feral dog and foxes and best practice control methods.
Council’s pest officer will provide information about the collaborative project, feral dog and fox monitoring on council bushland and control options.
Effective pest animal control requires input from all stakeholders to provide the best outcomes for agriculture and the environment. Community participation in this project is important to help reduce wild dog and fox numbers on the Tweed Coast.
Location: Cabarita Beach Bowls and Sports Club, Cabarita Road, Bogangar
Date: 27 May
Time: 6pm to 7:30pm
For more information on the Tweed Coast control project, contact pest management officer Pamela Gray on (02)6670 2778 or
For information on how the LHPA can help you control pest animals on your property, contact Ranger Neil Hing on (02)66 212317 or

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