Fibre for Acacia Park

ACACIA Park Industrial Estate will now be connected by fibre to the National Broadband Network, thanks to last week’s Federal Budget setting aside $220,000 for the works.
Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor said the Acacia Park businesses sought quotes from NBN Co Ltd to have the fibre extended to cover them, which then formed the basis of the request to the Federal Government.
Mr Windsor is delighted that the innovative businesses found in Acacia Park on the outskirts of Armidale will now be able to experience the benefits of fibre.
“Acacia Park was just outside the original fibre footprint of the NBN rollout in Armidale, which was pretty disappointing to the businesses located there.
“The businesses got together, mounted their case and I am now pleased that they will receive support from a small business grant to have the fibre rolled out in the estate.
“This fibre rollout will not only help the existing businesses in Acacia Park to access high-speed broadband, but it will also help to attract more businesses into the estate that will see the advantage of being able to hook up to the NBN fibre.
“I congratulate the businesses of Acacia Park on their persistence and working together to get this result.
“I particularly recognise Kevin Mead, CEO of the Ascent Group for co-ordinating the campaign.
“I also thank the Australian Government for their contribution to these small businesses and the ones that will follow the fibre into Acacia Park for the benefit of the Armidale community,” Mr Windsor said.

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