Teacher gives back

Richard Harris, Donna Taylor, Tammy Papalia, Corinne Sharp and Allanah Poustie prepare for morning tea.


NO-ONE appreciates the need for ongoing cancer research more than Kingscliff TAFE Events Teacher Tammy Papalia, who has herself recently emerged from a fight against breast cancer.
On Wednesday, 5 June Tammy and her event students from Kingscliff TAFE will present Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea with a tropical twist from 10am-11am.
This event will take place in a unique pop-up restaurant with the hospitality and cookery students serving some scrumptious treats.
“I’m glad to give back after the shock of being diagnosed with breast cancer last year,” Tammy said.
“Knowing the Cancer Council support services was available was a great source of comfort as I went through treatment.”
The morning program will be hosted by a local comedian and include entertainers and guest speakers Brook Boyd and Chris Carter who will share their inspirational stories of their experience with cancer.
Tammy and her students hope to raise $1000 towards cancer research.
Tickets are $15 per person and places are limited, for bookings please call 02 6674 7242.
“So come along and enjoy the morning tea and support this worthy cause.” Tammy said.
Meanwhile don’t forget the Biggest Morning Teas being held today and tomorrow. Today the Saltbar at Salt hosts an event from 10am with the NRMA in Tweed starting theirs at 9am. The Banora Point Uniting Church hosts an event tomorrow from 9.30am.

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