Getting ready for Cabarita’s Carnivale is Liz White, a local artist with many talents. She loves the fresh, natural vibrancy of the beachside village and the history of the region.
The environment inspires her art pieces.
“I’ve never exhibited before and this Carnivale opportunity has made me gather together a representative collection of my work,” she said.
Liz makes felt pieces of turtles, crows and even has made a life sized woman. She learnt her craft from various workshops attended over the years. She experiments with all mediums and lately has moved into the more abstract field.
Liz confirmed she will run a textile workshop at the Carnivale. Many other artists have expressed an interest to share their talents, show and sell their creations. Painters, sculptors, photographers, jewellers and dress designers are eagerly awaiting final details.
Ms Albada, initiator of Caba Creative said, “A call for participation has just gone out for entertainers, creative people, business and community members to become involved in the Carnivale. The feedback is overwhelmingly positive, confirming the need of a community event.”
Wendy Thorpe, one of the volunteer organisers said, “The Carnivale is scheduled for Saturday, September 29 because it is full moon and the school holidays.
“I picture the moon illuminating the stalls, and the stallholders are asked to bring alternative ways of lighting for the twilight time, creating a great festive atmosphere.”
A team of volunteers is working steadily in organis-ing the variety of activities which will run from 3pm till 8pm. There will be something for everyone.
“We are hoping many of our great restaurants and takeaways will get on board and offer a Carnivale special,” said Lindy Peters, who is working steadily on engaging local traders in a myriad of ways. To find out how you could be involved, go to www.facebook.com/CabaCreative or email cabacreative@yahoo.com.au.