Fourteen years ago then Mayor Karlene Polglase decided to start a free Christmas lunch for the lonely and the homeless at Tweed Heads.
There’s been a lot of Christmas turkey eaten since then, but Karlene and the dedicated band of volunteers are still going strong – despite the odd hiccup.
They will again host Christmas lunch at the Tweed Heads Civic Centre from 11.30am on December 25 with plenty of food, lollies and of course a Santa gift for everyone.
But the economic down-turn has had an effect on the annual lunch.
“We have had some sponsorship issues with the economic climate but it will still happen,” she said.
“It will still be a lot of fun and a wonderful day,” fellow volunteer Colleen Duncalfe chimed in.
“There will be turkey, ham and salad and entertainment on the day.”
The event will be the last organised by Salvation Army Officer Deborah Robinson, a tireless worker for the community and a big supporter and driving force behind the lunch over the past five years.
Deborah and her family have been transferred to Western Australia and will leave on Christmas Day.