Books donated to Library and Lifelong Learning Centre in Thailand

The photo shows the books laid out on trestle tables, with Jim and Nina (centre) surrounded by teaching staff standing on one side of the table as children from the school file past the collection.

The Rotary Club of Armidale’s support for the Library and Lifelong Learning Centre it built in rural Thailand has continued, with the donation of books to the value of 15,000 baht ($A600) last week.

Past President of the Club and Mayor of Armidale, Jim Maher, made the Club’s donation at a school assembly held at Ban Khao Thalu in Chumphon Province, Thailand, during a recent trip to the country. The books were selected by Jim and his wife, Nina, who is the Library Manager at Armidale Hospital.

During the Assembly the Director of English staff drew attention to some of the collection in order to show the range of works donated, ranging from all levels of Infants and Primary schooling to books for Adult Education.

The Australian flag was flown alongside the Thai flag during the assembly.

The Library and Lifelong Learning Centre was opened two years ago and is making a major contribution to the education of the community. A new full-time librarian has been appointed to the school as well as a Director of English language.

While the Mahers were visiting the village, the facility’s exterior was re-painted, thus ensuring the building remains in mint condition.

The school will again recognise the strong links between it and Armidale on Australia Day, with the raising of the Australian flag and the playing of our national anthem at the school assembly. This has become an annual event at the school, in appreciation of the support of the Rotary Club of Armidale and the generous support from Armidale businesses and individuals, as well as support from the Upper Blue Mountains Rotary Sunrise Club and the Galston Rotary Club. Special mention was made of the support from legendary singer-songwriter, Pat Drummond.

The school is badly in need of a projector for the English Study Centre (cost approximately $600) so, if anyone would like to assist with the purchase of this piece of equipment, please send your donation to The Treasurer, Rotary Club of Armidale, PO Box 49, Armidale, NSW, 2350.

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