Fingal impresses

Members of the Australian Landcare Council from as far afield as Western Australia, Northern Territory and Tasmania came to the Tweed on Monday, May 14 to for a field trip visiting landcare groups in the region from Fingal Head to Nimbin Rocks.
Their first stop was Fingal Head Coastcare, where they were given a traditional welcome to country by Franc Krazna a local Bundjalung elder, who also outlined the history of the area.
Fingal Head Coastcare members, led by Kate McKenzie, conducted a walk/talk through the regenerated forests, the remnant Littoral Rainforest and up to the spectacular Fingal Headland explaining their achievements, successes and best practices.
Fingal Head Coastcare, which is the longest continuously operating dune care group in the northern rivers, and possibly the longest running dune care group in NSW, has been re-vegetating the Fingal Peninsula for 26 years.
At Fingal Head, the Australian Landcare Council members were joined by David Keenan, the new General Manager of the Tweed Shire Council, Barry Longland the TSC mayor, Jane Lofthouse the Corodinator of Natural resources in the Tweed Shire and community members, swelling the numbers to around 40.
The visitors were impressed with the achievements of the group and the unique character and beauty of Fingal Head.

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