One way gets the go ahead

Southern traders Carolyn Wilson (Beach House Tiles), Mitchum and Aydden Stimpson (Rejuve Laser Clinic) and Cara Giannangelo and Amy Sievers (Anna and Ruth Designs) in front of some of the graffiti they’d like to see cleaned up as part of the main street beautification
The streetscape at Marine Parade, Kingscliff will get its major make over after Tweed Shire Councillors voted to adopt a main street beautification plan last week.
Under the concept plan, which was on display during May and June, Marine Parade is set to become one way between Turnock Street and Seaview Street as well as establishing more permanent gardens and more parking spaces.
Business owners south of Seaview Street had initially expressed concerns that they were being left out of the beatification plans many believe that the creek end of Marine Parade needs more promotion with many visitors stopping at the Seaview Street round-about – unaware of the businesses and facilities further south.
However Mayor Cr Barry Longland, said the proposal was amended to allow for council officers, in consultation with the Kingscliff and District Chamber of Commerce, to further consult with the business houses in southern end of Marine Parade to ascertain opportunities for enhancement of the public domain and to further consult with the Kingscliff Residents and Ratepayers Association.
Cr Longland said the business owners had expressed concern during a Kingscliff chamber meeting last week before the council meeting and had taken himself and Councillor Warren Polglase on a tour of the area to view their concerns.
Business owner Carolyn Wilson of Beach House Tiles said the shop owners were pleased with the council’s response.
“Businesses at the southern end are very pleased with the outcome of the council meeting and are happy the chamber and Tweed Shire Council have listened to their appeals for funding to provide ambient spotlights and signage for the businesses, creek and boardwalk,” she said.
“And also that Council is going to look at better security lighting for the area and for an upgrade of the southern end public toilets.
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