Gowns flock to town for graduation

Graduates and their families attended the first two of four Autumn Graduation Ceremonies on the lawns of Booloominbah at the University of New England last Friday and Saturday. A further two ceremonies will take place this Friday and Saturday, March 30 and 31.
At the ceremony on Friday, graduates were from within UNE’s School of Arts, School of Humanities, and School of Behavioural, Cognitive and Social Sciences. The speaker was Professor John Quiggin, a Federation Fellow in Economics and Political Science at the University of Queensland.
The guest speaker at the ceremony on Saturday, for people graduating from within the School of Law and the School of Business, Economics and Public Policy, was Senator Fiona Nash, Senator for NSW, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Education, and Deputy Leader of the Nationals in the Australian Senate.
“I am very happy again to be back here at UNE to give the Occasional Address today,” said Senator Fiona Nash.
“I spoke to the graduates about regional communities and the contribution that they can make to the sustainability of regional communities into the future.”
Senator Nash emphasised the importance of students staying in regional areas.
“We know that regional students are far more likely to actually come back to regional areas and practise as a professional and work.
“Those students who go on to take up a position in a metropolitan area will be ambassadors for the regions and do a lot towards bridging the city country divide.”
Vice Chancellor of the University of New England, Professor Jim Barber, believes graduation is the highlight of the year for graduates as well as members of the university community.
“This is what our work is all about; to see the students graduate,” said Professor Barber.
“Not only do their families celebrate; we do too, so it is a great day for everyone.”
On Friday, March 30 the Hon John Watkins will address people graduating from within the School of Education. Mr Watkins is a former NSW Minister for Education (2001-2003) who became Deputy Premier of NSW (2005-2008).
Graduands at the ceremony on Saturday, March 31 from the School of Science and Technology, the School of Environmental and Rural Science, the School of Health and the School of Rural Medicine, will be addressed by Alan Beasley. Mr. Beasley, who graduated from UNE with an Honours degree in Economics, has held leading positions in companies such as Bankers Trust Australia and Goldman Sachs. He is Chairman of the Abbotsleigh Foundation.

Story: Jo Harrison

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