Kids on target in Kentucky

The first event for “Kids of Kentucky” got off to a great start, with nineteen registering for the archery shoot which took place on Saturda,y August 27, 2011 in the Kentucky Memorial Hall.
The cost was kept at a very reasonable $5 per child but most of the parents also took the opportunity to join in the fun and try their luck in the shoot.
Well done to everyone for having a go and hope you are all back for the next shoot.
The Kentucky Progress Association are hoping to run further archery days with at least one each school term.
The day was made possible thanks to “Walcha Scout Group” who provided the equipment and Darrel and Mitchell McElroy of Walcha who supervised the event.
For those wishing to join a local group, Mountain Archers Walcha meet in the Walcha Showground on the first Tuesday of each month from 7pm. Walcha Scouts also meet each month. For details, contact Darrel McElroy through Kentucky Store.

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