Our Digital Hub near completion

Armidale Dumaresq Council (ADC) expects the Digital Hub Training Centre off Cinders Lane to be available to the community in early April and has recently appointed Leah Cook as the Program Manager who will facilitate the Armidale Digital Hubs Program.
ADC was one of five successful applicants in mainland Australia to receive $410,000 funding under round one of the Digital Hubs Program, and will be the first in New South Wales and the second in Australia to be officially opened.
“I am very excited to be working on such a great Program,” Ms Cook said.
“The Armidale Digital Hub will provide a local and central facility offering a range of free services to enhance digital literacy skills, seek advice, or learn how online engagement can be advantageous to a particular lifestyle or interest.
“We are trying to provide a service that can be of some benefit to all individuals, family and community groups. That includes free remote access to training courses through video conferencing for members of the community that are unable to travel to the Digital Hub.
“The training offered will be tailored to meet the needs and skill levels of the individual,” she said.
The digital hub facility will offer free courses, free advice and free one-on-one sessions to help the community take full advantage of the National Broadband Network (NBN) and the general online experience. Individuals will be able to drop in without an appointment and speak to a friendly individual.
“This is good news for members of our community not well versed in the opportunities offered by the NBN, for example, the possibilities of online banking or inexpensive communication via Skype,” ADC Mayor Cr Peter Ducat said.
“Now that we are well and truly in the digital age, I welcome the opportunity for all local people to discover more about finding employment, gaining access to health advice, or simply to get in touch with old friends.”
Training schedules and course bookings will be available from mid March 2012.
Currently under construction, the Centre will ensure easy access and disabled facilities for community members. It is conveniently surrounded by free one hour parking. The site is close to the shopping precinct and other services of the CBD.
For more information on Armidale Digital Hub please phone ADC on (02) 6770 3634 or email: digitalhub@armidale.nsw.gov.au.

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