Getting involved in government

The launch of Council’s new Online Services in Armidale Town Hall.

Armidale Dumaresq Council (ADC) hosted Local Government Week (LGW) activities last week beginning with Council launching its Online Services. Council’s Manager, Business Improvement, Ambrose Hallman showed everyone at the launch how to use the Online Services, now available via
“Members of our community may visit Council’s website and try the Online Services, which are quite easy to use. Alternatively, people may visit the Armidale Digital Hub at 4 Cinders Lane to be assisted in using the Services,” said Mr Hallman
“I’ve already heard about local solicitors ordering certificates, and a number of residents who have paid their accounts, using the Services,” said Mr Hallman.
A second LGW activity attracted a good cross-section of the community which attended a lecture on the case for recognition of Local Government in the Australian Constitution, arguing the need for a financial link between the two levels of government. It was conducted by Acting Mayor Cr Jim Maher and the lecture was followed by a lively discussion.
Paul Akon, law lecturer at the University of New England (UNE) enjoyed the event and left knowing more about the topic.
“The references made to the Pape and Williams cases were very appropriate. I certainly came away much more across the issues that local government faces than before. Many thanks and congratulations on a job well done,” said Mr Akon.
The final activity was a tour of the Waste Transfer Facility led by Mike Porter, ADC’s Process Control Superintendent. The visitors saw how our rubbish is processed safely for mostly useful recycling.
“It was terrific to see the different ways our rubbish is reused,” said one of the visitors Barbara Finch.
“The compost and mulch is impressive and the City to Soil program will be such an asset for gardeners and farmers. It was interesting to see how much of what we put out on our kerbside is recycled – over 60 per cent,” she said.

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