Smoky chimneys meet their match

Armidale Dumaresq Council (ADC) announces a new member to its Air Quality Team, Wood Smoke Field Officer, Stephen Gollan. The Air Quality Team is charged with improving air quality in Armidale city in this new initiative.
Mr Gollan and Council’s rangers are monitoring chimneys in town to identify houses with very smoky chimneys. Mr Gollan is arranging visits with people in those residences to help them to better manage their wood heaters.
In monitoring, the rangers and Wood Smoke Field Officer use a visual scale developed by Associate Professor John Todd at the University of Tasmania. Individual chimneys in town are compared to pictures on a scale to determine whether wood smoke levels are acceptable or unacceptable. At least six separate readings are taken from each chimney, and it is the average of these readings that indicates whether or not the residences will get a follow-up visit.
“This is a good opportunity for Council to learn more about residents’ issues and what further measures it can take to help residents. Council is already doing a great deal to improve air quality in an Armidale winter, and we believe it is in the living room where genuine differences can be made,” said Cr Maher, Chair of Council’s Domestic Energy Committee.
Following the home visit, Council’s rangers and the Wood Smoke Field Officer, Mr Gollan, will continue to monitor these residences from time to time to see if the measures taken actually worked.
“This monitoring and education trial, being conducted over August and September, is preparing for a long-term roll out at the beginning of winter 2012. Council believes it is an effective approach to focus on helping residents who are emitting high levels of wood smoke by providing education and personalised support,” said Cr Maher.
“We know that wood smoke pollution poses a health risk, and we know that people in Armidale love their wood fires. We’re attempting to clear the air by helping residents to learn how to better manage their wood heaters. If you’ve got a wood heater make sure your chimney is not smoky. Council is committed to improving air quality in the city, and education is a big part of the strategy aiming to clear the air for everyone.”
Contact Council on or telephone 02 6770 3600, if you would like to find out more about the work of the Air Quality Team, and Council’s Wood Smoke Field Officer, or if you would like to be sent a Wood Heater Education Kit or a copy of the rating scale used to determine acceptable and unacceptable wood smoke levels.

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