CSG-free campaigners receive council support

Local anti-CSG campaigners have hailed a decision by Tweed Shire Council to effectively declare The Tweed “CSG-free” as a big step forward in the campaign against coal seam gas.
Michael McNamara, from Lock the Gate – Tweed said, “The declaration of Tweed Shire as CSG-free by the Council sends a strong message to the state and federal governments and to the CSG companies that they will face implacable opposition if they decide to come here.”
Mr McNamara said the vote on the motion from the Mayor, Cr Barry Longland, was carried 6-1, with only Cr Phil Youngblutt voting against, and would see Tweed Shire Council:
nReaffirm its moratorium with respect to coal seam gas
nDeclare and actively promote the position that Tweed Shire be free of CSG and other unconventional gas operations
nCall on local state and federal MPs to support Council’s position
nSeek a review of the NSW Government’s Strategic Regional Land Use Policy so that it protects productive agricultural land and sensitive environmental areas
nMake a submission to the Review of the NSW Planning System that planning powers in relation to mining and gas extraction be delegated to local councils.
“In the light of this decision and the overwhelming results of the road surveys we have conducted as part of the Gasfield Free Communities initiative, I now call on Arrow Energy to relinquish that section of their Petroleum Exploration Licence (PEL445) that overlaps Tweed Shire,” Mr McNamara said.
“I also call on the NSW State Aboriginal Land Council to withdraw its application for a Special Prospecting Authority (PSPAA55) in the Tweed Shire.
“There is, demonstrably, NO social licence for CSG or other unconventional gas operations in the Tweed Shire.
“The Gasfield Free Communities initiative road survey results show that an average of 96.6 per cent of respondents in communities covering more than half the land area of Tweed Shire and ALL of that part of the Arrow Energy exploration licence in the Shire, reject CSG and other unconventional gas operations.
“Local communities have, over-whelmingly, declared their desire to be Gasfield Free.
“It is fantastic that the Council has resolved to stand strongly with local communities on this important issue.
“There is still much more that Council can do to oppose the CSG and unconventional gas industry, but this decision by Council represents a good start.”

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