A strategy to protect the Tweed’s heritage – the classic buildings, villages and other landmarks which make the shire distinctive – will be further explained at a series of four information sessions being held by Council next week.
Public information sessions will be staged in Murwillumbah, Uki, Tweed Heads and Tyalgum on February 7-8, to explain the draft Community Based Heritage Study and Management Plan and enable members of the public to ask questions.
“Heritage preservation can be a very complex issue, so the information sessions will be held throughout the Tweed to explain the plan,” the sessions’ coordinator, Senior Strategic Planner Robyn Eisermann, said.
The plan will help preserve buildings, sites and areas which are historically significant to Tweed Shire’s heritage, by outlining measures for their protection.
“This includes guidelines to assist people who own a heritage-listed building or live within a conservation area. The study also recommends options for providing financial assistance,” Ms Eisermann said.
“As part of the information sessions, we will explain what it means to be heritage listed.
“A region’s heritage plays a large role in creating its identity. It shows where we’ve come from and sets the area apart from everywhere else.”
The sessions are part of an ongoing engagement campaign by Council to complete the plan, building upon a study which started in 2005 and compiled a list of proposed heritage items and conservation areas.
She said the current engagement campaign was not reviewing that list but was finalising and explaining the processes to manage those items and areas, while enabling the community to comment on those processes.
A draft of the plan is on public exhibition from 18 January to 14 March and can be viewed on Council’s website, www.tweed.nsw.gov.au, under On Exhibition. Printed copies are also available to read at Council’s offices in Tweed Heads and Murwillumbah and its libraries in Kingscliff, Tweed Heads and Murwillumbah.
“The information sessions are not intended to discuss specific listed items but will give a greater understanding of the plan’s objectives and processes,” she said.
“Anyone who has specific questions about their property is invited to make an appointment to meet with Council planning reform staff.”
Ms Eisermann said the sessions will help inform community members lodging submissions about the exhibited draft. Submissions can be sent by email to tsc@tweed.nsw.gov.au or by mail to: General Manager, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah 2484.
The information sessions will be held on:
■ Tuesday 7 February at:
■ Murwillumbah, Canvas and Kettle Room, Murwillumbah Civic Centre, 10am-noon.
■ Tweed Heads, South Sea Islander Room, Tweed Heads Civic Centre, 2-4pm.
■ Wednesday 8 February at:
■ Uki Hall, Kyogle Road, 10am-noon.
■ Tyalgum Hall, Coolman Street, 2-4pm.
People interested in attending any of the information sessions should RSVP to Council’s Planning Reforms Unit on
(02) 6670 2503.