Community survey well supported

More than 750 residents have responded to the Cabarita Beach/Bogangar Residents’ Association community survey held over the past two weeks.
The response to the survey has exceeded all expectations. The survey was the final stage of a major community consultation process undertaken by local resident and Griffith University researcher, Dr Kerrie Foxwell-Norton, on behalf of the Residents’ Association.
Results from approx-imately 750 completed surveys will now be considered alongside the findings of the recent Crown Lands (formerly LPMA) and Tweed Shire Council consultation process which concluded that there is 90 per cent community opposition to the proposed caravan park and residential estate developments on environmentally-sensitive beachfront land near the local primary school.
Dr Foxwell-Norton said community participation has been an important part of the design and conduct of her research.
“The methods I have used to collate community opinion on existing and future development options for the village required a meaningful engagement with all community members,” she said
“It is challenging but rewarding work that embraces the complexity of the community and uses both quantitative and qualitative data to provide rich insights into community opinion and ideas.”
Residents Association President Neil Moores said, “The success of the survey gives the association a tremendous opportunity to create a vision that is built on a meaningful community consultation process where everyone has had an opportunity to be heard.
“It has actually been quite humbling to see how much people have really appreciated this opportunity to have their say,” he said.
“I would like to thank residents and business owners for taking the time to let us know what they think. And, of course, I would also like to sincerely thank Dr Foxwell-Norton from Griffith University for conducting this important research.”
Dr Foxwell-Norton is an expert in local community participation in coastal and marine management and is now preparing her final report on existing and future development options for the village.
The final report, including results of the survey and information from previous focus groups, will be presented at a Community meeting scheduled for Monday, October 10.
Dr Foxwell-Norton has also been accepted to present an account of the consultation process in November at the NSW Coastal Conference at Tweed Heads to be hosted by Tweed Shire Council.

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