Helping animals in need


TWO local businesses have put their money (or is that coffee) where their hearts are to help local animals in need.
Josie Masterman, owner of The Beach Shack Expresso and Juice Bar in Kingscliff has teamed up with local coffee roaster Glenn Anthony of Ground Control Coffee to put together a fund-raiser for animals in need of a loving home.
“Sadly, for a variety of reasons, many of our beloved furry friends end up abandoned, and find themselves in the pound,” Glenn Anthony said.
“While the good staff at the pound do their utmost to look after these animals and find homes for them, they can’t hold them indefinately due to the constant admittance of new animals. At some point, if not re-homed the animal is euthanased.”
Josie, who adopted her own cat and dog from Friends of the Pound, said the group was a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers with a “big heart for animals”.
“They rescue animals from the pound that are in line for euthanasia and place them in foster care within their own volunteer network,” she said.
“While caring for these animals, Friends of The Pound work tirelessly in finding permanent loving homes for them. This can be a time consuming and costly process, but ultimately the rewards are priceless. This is where you (and your coffee) come in to play.”
Josie said for the next four weeks you can enjoy the new great coffee at the The Beach Shack and for every coffee sold between 9am and 12pm Monday to Friday, The Beach Shack together with ground Control Coffee will donate $1 to Friends of the Pound.
For more information about Friends of the Pound phone 07 5524 8590.

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