Harmony at Tweed Heads South Public

Tweed Heads South Public School celebrated Harmony Day recently, spreading the message that “Everyone Belongs”.
Harmony Day is a day when all Australians celebrate our cultural diversity and, at the Tweed Heads South School, there was a strong sense of belonging, inclusiveness and respect that was felt on the day, but has been nurtured throughout our school culture.
Students at the school believed that it was important to respect each other, that we should love, like, invite, encourage, help, support and inspire others within the school.
The themed colour for the day was orange and they celebrated with a special Harmony Day lunch order and a Harmony Day assembly.
The canteen made a special feast for the day and students could select from nachos, spring rolls, fried rice and many other culinary delights.
During the assembly they had the pleasure of watching a wonderful performance presented by our preschool students.
To conclude the celebrations, students at Tweed Heads South Public School sang the song Hearts in Harmony, which brought a tear to the eye, seeing just how wonderful and accepting our students are.
It was a beautiful day that couldn’t have been any more harmonious. The day really did achieve its message that Everyone Belongs at Tweed Heads South Public School.

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