Help for top water users

Tweed Shire Council has launched a program aimed at reducing water use among the top 100 water users across the shire.
Under the Tweed’s Top 100 program businesses and other non-residential water users such as schools, clubs, caravan parks, industry, manufacturing and hotels/motels on the list of the Top 100 will qualify for grants of up to $1000 to install water saving devices.
The Top 100 have been identified through Council records and have been invited to participate in the program, which includes a launch with Council’s General Manager at the Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club on Wednesday, July 18, from 4pm to 5pm.
The launch is also open to any business or community members interested in hearing about the Tweed’s Top 100 program and the benefits of and ways to decrease water use.
The launch will highlight examples of water saving measures and projects, including testimonials from businesses which have already taken water saving measures.
Council’s Demand Management Program Leader Elizabeth Seidl said the measures will provide savings in a variety of areas.
“Businesses cutting back on their water use can automatically reduce their water, sewer, liquid trade waste and power bills and help protect our environment,” Ms Seidl said.
“Participating businesses will receive assistance to implement a water saving project, including a free water assessment, support, promotion opportunities and financial assistance of up to $1000. Typically, businesses can expect to save an average of 20 per cent on their water bills just by installing the basic water saving fittings and fixtures.”
The project is a continuation of the highly successful Tweed Top 20 program which saw 20 of the top users provided with assistance by Council to reduce their water use.
The Top 100 water users are responsible for about 70 per cent of the total non-residential water demand in the Tweed.
Helping the biggest water users to cut their consumption will significantly curb further increases in the Tweed’s water usage and will reduce pressure to increase the water storage and treatment infrastructure.
Anyone interested in attending the launch can book a spot by Friday, July 13 by emailing or telephoning Jude Mason on 02 6670 2636.

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