Bullshot at Tugun

109999_01Teutonic villain Otto von Brunno and his evil mistress.


TUGUN theatre company are back – prepare to laugh.
Their current offering, which opens tonight (Thursday) is Bullshot Crummond, a play by Ron House, Diz White, Alan Shearman, John Neville Andrews and Derek Cunningham, directed by Nathan Shultz.
This parody of low-budget ’30s detective movies typifies British heroism. Teutonic villain Otto von Brunno and his evil mistress crash their plane in the English countryside and kidnap Professor Fenton who has discovered a formula for making synthetic diamonds.
Bullshot Crummond is called to the rescue. Otto paralyzes Crummond with a fiendish ray.
He rams a stick of dynamite in Crummond’s mouth which will explode when the next person enters the room.
Rosemary enters, but the static electricity in her fur wrap averts the detonation. They pursue in a hair-raising car chase, but plunge over a cliff.
They sneak into the dungeons where the professor is being tortured, but Crummond hopelessly loses the ensuing sabre duel. Unperturbed, Crummond finally triumphs by shooting the rest of the cast.
What: Bullshot Crummond
When: 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30 November at 7.30pm (QLD time). Matinees on Saturday 16 and 23 November at 2pm (QLD time).
Where: Tugun Village Community Centre, 414 Coolangatta Road, Tugun.
Interested?: Bookings can be made with Mandy on 07 5522 4740.

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