First fete fabulous

109776_01 Manning the barbecue are Ian Wilson and Tweed Coast Rotary president Merridie Fury at Bogangar Fete.


HUNDREDS of people flooded through the gate for the first ever Bogangar Public School fete on Thursday afternoon.
Good things come to those who wait and after a false start last month when the event was postponed due to rain, principal Cath Lalor said the event was a huge success.
“It was fabulous,” she said.
“It turned into a great community event with lots of people attending from around Bogangar that were not connected to the school directly.
“Lots of past students were there and many staff commented on how great it was to see them and how polite and respectful they were.
“Our own students had a blast – lots of laughing and screaming happening on the rides, as well as at the Dunk the Teacher stall.”
“It was the P and C’s major fund-raiser of the year, however at this stage we are still finding out total funds raised.”
The school plans to run a fete every second year, alternating with Pottsville.

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