Tweed Coasters remember

109901_02 Kingscliff RSL vice-president and MC Brian Vickery with Reverend Eron Perry.


THEY shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. Lest We Forget.
ACROSS the Tweed on Monday people stopped to remember those lost in war as the region commemorated Remembrance Day and the end of World War I.
On the Tweed Coast, ceremonies were held at Pottsville and Kingscliff with school students mixing with servicemen past and present to remember. Wreaths were laid and those lost remembered including Kingscliff/Cudgen’s own Sapper Rowan Robinson, killed in Afghanistan two years ago.
Kingscliff RSL sub-branch vice-president Brian Vickery said 180 people attended this year’s ceremony in the middle of town including 60 school students from St Anthony’s and Kingscliff primary schools.
Pictures: Tania Phillips and Jody Hawes.

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