Tweed Coast residents continue Lot 490 battle

Manning the market stall are Trevor Reece, Rayma Sargeant, Gerry Cornford and well-known Tweed Coast Dunecarer Kay Bolton.

The group of Tweed Coast residents determined to stop the development of Lot 490 are stepping up their campaign – launching a website and a petition.
The group headed by Trevor Reece and Gerry Conford had a stall at the weekend markets at Kingscliff, trying to raise awareness about the parcel of land.
A NSW Planning and Assessment Commission hearing was held at Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club late last month, with 28 people speaking, most against the development.
Leighton Properties, who have a 99-year lease agreement on the land which separates Kingscliff from Salt and stretches from the Cudgen Creek south, are proposing an “eco-style beach front resort” on the 43ha parcel of crown land.
However, the local residents and Dunecarers maintain that the land is home to 12 endangered species and the critically endangered Beach Stone Curlew.
“We got 173 signatures in four hours and raised $60, which has gone to pay for the establishment of the website,” Mr Cornford said.

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