Floodplain conference for tweed

Tweed will host Australia’s first truly national floodplain management conference in May 2013.

Tweed Shire Council has been successful in its bid to host the Floodplain Management Authorities of NSW (FMA) 2013 conference, which will go beyond its usual State focus to draw on a much wider pool of expertise.

“There are valuable lessons to be learn from floodplain management authorities from throughout Australia, particularly in light of the recent flooding in Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania,” the FMA’s Chairman elect, Ian Dinham, said.

The biennial event will attract around 300 authorities and experts in flood management throughout Australia and overseas.

“Since the FMA conferences began in 1961, they have regularly included a few delegates from other states,” according to Mr Dinham, who is also Council’s Flooding and Stormwater Engineer.

“But we are now gearing it up to gain a broader perspective on floodplain issues.

“It is a real honour for the Tweed to be chosen for the first national event.”

He said the Tweed was chosen for the first national conference because of its proximity to the international airport at Coolangatta, as well as the Tweed’s excellent conference and accommodation facilities. “The district also has many floodplain issues and experiences relevant to the conference,” Mr Dinham said.

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