Aerial mages upgraded

Higher resolution aerial photographs of Tweed Shire will soon be available on Council’s website, following an upgrade of its Tweed Maps service.
The public mapping site’s existing aerial images, taken in 2009, will be replaced by 2012 aerial photographs which have resolutions which are at least 30 per cent better.
“This means the new maps will have significantly more detail,” Council’s Director of Technology and Corporate Services, Troy Green, said.
“While the 2009 images had resolutions of 35cm per pixel for photos of rural areas and 15cm per pixel for urban locations, the 2012 photos have resolutions of 20cm and 10cm respectively.
“The data upgrade will mean the aerial photography will be unavailable from the website on Wednesday, October 17,” Council’s Director of Technology and Corporate Services, Troy Green, said.
“However, other data on Tweed Maps will be unaffected during this period.”

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