Kingscliff’s newest art school for all ages ‘Kingscliff Arts’ is breaking down beliefs that you need to be talented in order to be able to draw well.
As the latest class to finish the weekly drawing classes can now attest to, drawing is a skill that can be learnt by anyone.
Teacher Gillian Grove believes that if you can hold a pencil you can not only learn how to draw, but how to draw well.
“Once you learn the process of what to look for, what materials to use and how to use them, drawing becomes easy. I have taught everyone from 9 year olds to retirees to draw photographic like images, the process is the same,” she said.
Term One students that have just completed Gillian’s Learn to Draw program have been equally astounded with results that have surpassed all expectations upon joining the weekly classes. Whilst many will continue their drawing practices, most will now move onto the learn to paint program with much more confidence than when they started.
“Many people that join our classes have always wanted to learn how to draw, but thought that they didn’t have enough ‘talent’ or confidence to start. It doesn’t take long to master a few simple tricks and techniques and anyone can draw well.”
Gillian specialises in art skills classes where students commence with learning how to draw progressing through to learning how to paint using both acrylic and oil based paints. These classes offer the absolute beginner with a place to start their art practices and develop fundamental skills.
“It is not uncommon to feel anxious about what you can and can’t do and whether or not you hold the ‘talent’. I believe that drawing and painting are skills that anyone can learn and that you need no talent to learn. ”
“It is amazing to watch people’s confidences grow as they become more competent and learn that once you acquire and understand a few key skills, you can draw and paint anything.”
Gillian’s passion for all things artistic led her to opening the art school in July last year to packed classes. Her strong beliefs that everyone can learn and enjoy art practices has forged her a strong reputation as both a teacher and an artist as she continues in her own art practices as well. The popular school Kingscliff Arts has grown rapidly and now offers a range of creative pursuits for young and old including drawing, painting, animation/manga, arts & crafts as well as a range of weekend workshops for those who can’t commit to weekly classes. Term 2 is about to commence with a range of new classes and times available to suit everybody.
“As word spreads, we have had to add new classes each term to make room for everyone. Late last year we brought in the incredible Leisa O’Brien to teach some of our painting classes so that I can continue to teach drawing. We now have more than 16 classes to choose from with both day and evening classes available. And over 150 students that attend classes each week. ”
“I am determined to show as many people as possible how easy and enjoyable drawing can be!”
Contact Gillian on 0411 317 606 for more information or check out the website at