Mount Warning Road under repairs


JUST a few weeks after the Mount Warning Walking track re-opened, the iconic mountain will be again out of reach, this time due to road works.
The road to Wollumbin/Mount Warning, Mount Warning Road, will be closed to traffic past Kurrumbyn Creek from Monday 25 November to Friday 6 December 2013, while Tweed Shire Council carries out essential land slip restoration work.
Access to business operators and properties below the creek causeway will not be affected by the works, but there will be no access to Wollumbin/Mount Warning summit walking track during this period.
Council’s works manager, Ian Kite, said the works were scheduled to occur while the Wollumbin/Mount Warning walking track was being repaired by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, following extensive storm damage earlier in the year.
“The walking track re-opened ahead of schedule, however, we have to repair the slip as planned, as it is essential for long-term public safety given the volume of traffic that uses the Mount Warning Road,” Mr Kite said.
“Council apologises to local businesses, residents and visitors who may be affected by the brief closure.”
For further information, contact the council on (02) 6670 2400.

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