Local reconciliation group film night

Local reconciliation group ANTaR Armidale is having a Fundraising Film Night at the Belgrave Cinema on August 9.
The film The Sapphires, is a new Australian movie directed by Wayne Blair and starring Deborah Mailman and Jessica Mauboy. It’s based on the experiences of a quartet of young, talented singers from a remote Aboriginal mission, discovered and guided by a kind-hearted, soul-loving manager. Plucked from obscurity, the four spirited women with powerhouse voices – called The Sapphires – are given the opportunity to entertain American troops in Vietnam. Full of music of the sixties, and sharp humour, the film received a standing ovation at the prestigious Cannes International Film Festival.
Funds raised will support the local ANTaR Newsletter, which has been published for the past 14 years, with a print run of around 500. It is posted to subscribers as well as being available free at community outlets and Aboriginal organisations. Prepared by volunteers and professionally printed, it features stories of events, achievements and activities of the local Aboriginal and reconciliation communities, and has lots of photos.
The Sapphires ANTaR screening will be on Thursday, August 9 at 7pm at the Belgrave Cinema. Pre-purchase of tickets is recommended as this will be a popular event. On sale from committee members, phone 6775 1151 or 6772 4667 or email janwyles@bigpond.com

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