Return to Gaza

This month Progressive Cinema will present Return to Gaza, a personal insight into the Middle East conflict through the eyes of a Palestinian Australian. The screening will take place at 7.30pm on October 12 at the Armidale Club, 91 Beardy Street. Turntables Restaurant will be open for dinner from 6pm.
“Progressive Cinema has been running now for six months on the second Wednesday of each month, providing the opportunity to get together and watch films with progressive themes ranging from food security, aboriginal rights and the media, to coal seam gas mining,” said Steve Norris, one of the organisers.
“The discussions that follow are lively and inspire a sense of community and solidarity. Return to Gaza provides personal insight from Fetah Sabawi, a Palestinian-Australian who travelled to Gaza in the hope of founding a music school for refugees just prior to the Palestinian elections in 2006. On his return, Sabawi finds himself up against the challenges of living in the region – check-points, constant military presence and squalor – all while persevering to put a human face on an issue that plagues both Palestinians and Israelis.
“Produced by One Planet Films in association with Denoux Films Productions between 2006 and 2010, it was filmed in Australia, Egypt, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. Return to Gaza has won two awards in the USA, including the Award of Excellence at Indie Fest, and has been nominated for three in the UK.
“We are looking forward to another night of great cinema and inspiring discussion,” concluded Mr Norris.
All welcome. Entry $4 concession, $7 regular, $10 solidarity. For more information, call Bea Bleile on 0458 752 680.

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