Armidale boys return

Armidale is in for a one-of-a-kind musical experience, with three of its favourite musical sons to be joined in a one-off concert by one of the world’s best beat boxers and one of the country’s best poets. Brisbane band BrokenWord whose line-up features Brendon Stace and brothers Alex and Max Anderson who were all raised in the Armidale area, are set to make a  triumphant return to launch their debut album “Set It Free’ to local audiences at Tatts Hotel on December 10.
The album has seen them garner a steady following in Queensland and given them a number of songs in Triple J Unearthed top ten. The album has also been recently picked up by a major record company for national distribution starting in January, something the band was excited about according to MC Stas aka Brendon Stace.
“We are still working out the finer points but we are definitely excited about it,” he said.
“It’s been really good exposure (triple J) and good to get different feedback from people all over the country.
“We have always had good success in Armidale and Brisbane so hopefully the distribution deal,  and triple J unearthed, will give us that platform to expose our music to the whole country.”
Band member Brendon Stace said Armidale should expect one hell of a show on December 10.
“We will put a lot into it as we always love coming back and we feel it’s a good opportunity to show how far we’ve come with our music,” he said.
“We are looking forward to putting on one of our best shows ever, We are also happy to be back at Tatts were it all started for us years ago and we will be bringing our full entourage including our DJ and backup singer as well as guest mc’s.”
Adding to the band’s recent accomplishments will be two shows in Thailand at the end of the month, with the band confirmed to play at the Rhythm and Sands Festival and the famous Full Moon Party at Koh Phangan.
Headlining the night is Brisbane’s Tommy Illfigga, also known as Tom Thum. Regarded as one the world’s premier beat boxers, having won the world title in 2005 and placing runner-up the following year. A one-of-a-kind talent who also raps and produces, Tommy Illfigga will put on a show that all will love. Playing host to the evening which will also see local acts Koorified, J-Rad and Equilibrium perform will be Omar Musa, Australian Slam Poetry Champion in 2008 and one of the best wordsmiths in the country. Tickets to “Set It Free’ are $10 and can be obtained from Ally X, BJ’s Hair For Men and Blackdot Music and promoter Shayne Johnson via or the venue.

Story: Josh Paterson

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