“Messiah’ heralds Christmas

Music lovers of New England will again have the opportunity this year to join with millions across the world to attend a performance of Handel’s famous oratorio Messiah, widely recognised as a herald to Christmas. The massive work will be presented by the Armidale Choral Society in St Mary and St Joseph’s Cathedral  at 2.00pm on Sunday
December 11.
A star-studded group of professional soloists from far and wide will lead the performance including Samantha Cobcroft, Soprano, from Newcastle; Inge Southcott, Alto from Armidale; Tom Moran, Tenor, from Brisbane; and Daniel Macey Bass, from Sydney.
The work, including a choir of more than 70 voices, will be conducted by Wendy Huddleston, while Errol Russell will lead the Occasional Messiah Orchestra.
This concert is not to be missed. Entry is by donation of $15.
Christmas is not Christmas without the Messiah!

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