Community inspired recorder player

International recorder player Alana Blackburn has returned to Armidale to join local artists in a special afternoon recital this Sunday at New England Girls’ School.
After discovering her love of the recorder with Zana Clarke and finishing Year 12 at NEGS in 2000, Alana has continued to study the recorder at the Sydney Conservatorium, completing a Bachelor of Music with First Class Honours in 2004, and graduating with a Master of Music in Performance in 2007 after being awarded a prestigious University of Sydney Postgraduate Award.
While living and studying in Sydney, Alana has performed professionally with various ensembles including Salut! Baroque, The Bell Shakespeare Company and Pinchgut Opera as well as a guest soloist with the Manly-Warringah Symphony Orchestra,  Bourbaki Ensemble and the Sydney Conservatorium Early Music Ensemble.
In 2008 Alana was offered a place at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, one of the most prominent schools for recorder, with Professor Paul Leenhouts. While in Holland, Alana performed throughout Europe and recorded three CDs with The Royal Wind Music as well as performing live on radio in The Netherlands and Germany.
Since graduating from the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and returning to Australia, Alana has been busy travelling between Sydney and Armidale performing and teaching, her latest achievement being the winner of the Don Cowell Memorial Trust Award in Melbourne in July this year.
The recital on Sunday is a special event presented by Alana to the Armidale community to display her love of the recorder and encourage other young Armidale musicians to continue with their passion and take advantage of the rich musical community Armidale has to offer.
“Armidale is a unique musical centre,” said Alana. “It is known throughout the country as a hub for young recorder players.
“I am thrilled to be able to return and present a recital to a community I was so lucky to be a part of while growing up.”
The program will consist of works by Bach, Telemann, Handel, Scarlatti and Dowland.
She will be joined by fellow recorder player Joanne Arnott, local soprano Kylie Constantine and popular organist/harpsichordist Jan-Piet Knijff.
Tickets: Adult $15/ concession $8 at the door, 2.30pm Sunday, November 13 at New England Girls’ School Chapel.

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