Uralla’s Golden Mile Project

Everyone is talking about the high cost of their energy bills. And there are offers around to change companies in order to make savings. But what about the elephant in the room that everyone is ignoring — the real reason for energy costs is the energy you use — reducing what you use is the most effective way of saving money, not just simply changing providers. And if you believe the price on carbon is having an impact, again, reducing your carbon pollution will save energy and therefore save you money.
So what does Reducing Your Environmental Footprint mean? What does ‘climate change’ mean to you? Not to mention, peak oil, global warming, environmental degradation, etc. All too confusing? Local environmental architect and ESD consultant, Mahalath Halperin, will be running the final workshop in SLA’s (Sustainable Living Armidale) ‘I Can Do It’ program on Saturday, August 18 at Kent House.
Rather than the jargon, this workshop will talk about energy and comfort instead. A big part of your carbon footprint is produced by the energy you use, especially electricity (which is made by burning coal), gas and even your wood.
The workshop will cover aspects of your house — the physical building, the things you put in it, how you use those things, and above all, how you act — your behaviour. And that means that even renters can make changes that will reduce your energy use and therefore your costs, but still keep you comfortable in your home — maybe even more comfortable than you have been till now.
Want to know more? Come along to the workshop where we’ll show you where the energy goes, what creates your carbon footprint — and how to reduce them both. From minor to major changes, including those you can make even if you are renting, all add up to creating a warmer and more comfortable home in winter, cooler in summer — and saving you energy and money.  There will be fun activities, freebies and resources to give away, and real actions that You Can Do to make a difference.
The workshop is free, but bookings can be made through Deb Mill on 0468 379 370 or email: icandoit@slaati.org

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