Chrissy meal catered for at Farmers’ Market

The Farmers’ Market will have a range of Christmas treats this year, says Robert Gasparre, organiser of the market. You can buy your whole Christmas meal and have a hassle free Christmas knowing that you are getting a quality product.
You can start your meal with local olives, and Camembert cheese. Then serve up free range ham and chicken with some goat sausages and local home grown vegetables.
For desert lay out some homemade Christmas pudding and other baked goods with ripe plums, apricots and nectarines.
You can even buy your Christmas gifts at the Market. Visit Robert and Marie Hoad at the “Robert’s Raised Gardens’ stall. Marie sells wonderful baked goods and jams, while Robert sells the popular raised garden beds.  Raised beds make gardening easy. You just fill them with soil and compost, plant your seedlings, mulch and water. What a wonderful Christmas surprise it would be to set one of these up for someone you love. Robert will deliver the garden beds and can even fill them with soil for you
If you are interested in knowing where your food comes from visit the Armidale Farmers’ Market and Car Boot sale on Sunday December 18 in Curtis Park and remember “you are what you eat’.

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