Williams to discuss community supported agriculture

Internationally renowned Australian biodynamic farmer Hugh Williams will be in Armidale on Saturday, July 21 for a free lecture at Kent House.
Hugh Williams teaches and writes in the USA and is currently in Australia conducting both talks and on-farm workshops in four states, presenting a radical reappraisal of food distribution systems, as the world realigns itself economically and spiritually, addressing the need for quality over quantity.
He has been at the forefront of developing Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) over the past 20 years, and will be sharing this experience at a free public talk in Armidale.
About 20 years ago he took charge of some depleted and unproductive acres near Philmont in New York State. Farmers who wish to stay out of the supermarket culture need independent markets, and “Threshold Farm” now supplies fruit, vegetables, milk, cider, honey and other products into a thriving CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) network which Hugh helped establish in the area. It is often included in organised tours of sustainable farming practice in the USA.
What he brings — in addition to his knowledge of Biodynamics – is a good deal of experience in setting up and troubleshooting  alternative means of food production, and the all-important methods of how that produce is distributed into the community. He’ll address issues around New England seasonality and value adding, as they are important in the picture. CSA networks give the community certainty of fresh food supply beyond the major supermarket chains, and also offer consumers some involvement (if they are interested) in just how their food is grown.
So if you are developing an independent organic fresh food system, then having someone who has helped build several of them from the bottom up, as Hugh has, can offer stories and pointers and suggestions which should be very helpful.
Hugh Williams will be speaking on Saturday, July 21 at 7pm at Kent House, Faulkner Street, (opposite Central Park). This is a free event. The meeting is hosted by The Soil Health Forum, and supported by Southern New England Landcare and Sustainable Living Armidale. For any further information, please contact Jill on yoji3@aapt.net.au or 6778 4998

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