Tweed hosts Big Brother

A bunch of colourful characters locked together in a shabby London Hotel set in the 1960s, ala Big Brother, perform a rollicking whodunnit in Tweed Theatre Company’s (TTC) ‘Find the Lady’, opening on October 19.
But instead of being evicted, the cast bond together as they try to unravel the mayhem as the play twists and turns with fast paced dialogue. From secret trysts to secret lives, the plot is revealed by a clever and funny script written by Michael Pertwee, brother of Doctor Who star Jon Pertwee.
So many dramas are packed in and played by so many drama queens. Even the male roles are over the top, as they bury themselves in lies upon lies to cover up their dastardly deeds.
Any one of the eight characters could be the murderer.
The show opens in darkness as mischiefmaker, Miss Daintee’s screams ring out.
Act 1 closes with a blood-curdling scream also, by Rosie Lake – one of many during the show. The second act sees Rosie, Mrs Pratt and her daughter, Desiree Pratt, brooding over the ‘facts’, facts that become hazier as the gossip and lies pile upon each other throughout the show.
Julieanne Scott plays the lead role, Rosie Lake, who is on the booze most of the show. Playing an inebriated role is difficult in itself, but she does it with ease, showing her many years of experience in the Gold Coast theatre scene.
“It’s a frantic role, very challenging but enjoyable. My character is scatty but lovable,” said Scott.
Opening night is Friday, October 19, with six performances till October 28. View the TTC website for more details here>>
Adults $15.00 Concessions/Children $12.00.

What: Find The Lady
Where: Tweed Civic Centre
When: Six performances from October 19-28
Interested?: Book online through the website or phone 1800 674 414 or buy tickets at Tweed or Murwillumbah Information Centres.

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