Kerry O’Brien visits Armidale

Kerry O’Brien will be this year’s guest speaker for The Friends of the ABC.

Six-time Walkley Award winning journalist Kerry O’Brien will be the keynote speaker at The Friends of the ABC’s annual lecture at the TAS Hoskins Centre on August 31.
Kerry has been front and centre on our TV screens for over 20 years, most notably as editor and host of ‘The 7.30 Report’.  In that time he has interviewed many of the world’s leaders and most influential figures in the arts, sciences and business.
With over 46 years as a journalist, Kerry has witnessed many changes and his talk will focus on the impact those changes have had on journalism in general and for public broadcasting in particular.
Born into a working class Catholic family in Brisbane, Kerry started as a news cadet in 1966.  Many would have seen a more personal portrait of Kerry when he appeared on SBS’s “Who Do You Think You Are”. He has worked in newspapers, wire service and television news and current affairs as well as a general reporter, feature writer, political and foreign correspondent, interviewer and compere. He also served as press secretary to then Labor Prime Minister Gough Whitlam.
The feature of the evening will be to invite the audience to engage in a conversation with Kerry who will have a wealth of anecdotes to share as well as discussing the future of news and information in the digital age.
Kerry O’Brien will be appearing at The Hoskins Centre on August 31.  His talk will commence at 7pm, with a meet and greet reception at 6.30pm where finger food will be provided and the Bar will be open.
Tickets are $18 — for FABC members $15 — and can be obtained by ringing Val on 6772 0342 or Jan on 6772 5856 – OR Armidale Dumaresq Public Library to whom proceeds from the event will be directed, for the building of their new Library.

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