Quartet for festival friends

The new Tyalgum Classic Music Festival executive committee. The members are president Virginia Mason (blue/white outfit), artistic director Jenni Hibbard (pink/black outfit), acting secretary Finola Horlin (red top), webmaster Randy Edwards, media and pollie guy Murray Lees (striped shirt) and project manager Jenny Unwin (white blouse).


EXCEPTIONAL Queensland classical string quartet Kurilpa is to perform at the Tyalgum Hall at 2pm on 26 May, Tyalgum Classical Music Festival artistic director Jenni Hibbard has announced.
“The Kurilpa Quartet will be the special attraction at our annual Tyalgum Festival friends concert and this is a great opportunity not just for classical music enthusiasts, but also for young people and others who have not had much exposure to the genre,” Ms Hibbard said.
Kurilpa Quartet was formed two years ago by brilliant national and internationally renowned Brisbane musicians Graeme Jennings, Brendan Joyce, Yoko Okayasu and Katherine Philp.
Their Tyalgum program will feature a Bartok string quartet, and also a wonderful new work written on blues and bluegrass ideas by local composer Erik Griswold, who is expected to be present on the day.
“This jaunty work is lots of fun and will be appealing to even those with not much experience of classical music,” Ms Hibbard said.
“The Tyalgum hall is famous for its acoustic bloom, which takes the sound and polishes it. It is a wonderful hall to be in, and to listen to music such as this. It is a chance to hear and see the Kurilpa Quartet up close and at their very best.”
The concert will be dedicated to the memory of the recently departed Carmel Kaine, wife of Tyalgum Festival founding music director John Willison. A greatly respected violinist of international standing, Carmel was also a driving force behind many performances from the start of the Tyalgum Festival.
Who: Kurilpa
When:  26 May, 2pm
Where: Tyalgum Community Hall
Interested: Details are available on the website www.tyalgumfestival.com.au. Tickets are $30 for adults and $10 for school students (free for Friends of the Tyalgum Classic Music Festival) available from Anderson’s Treasure Store, Main Street, Murwillumbah and can also be reserved by emailing info@tyalgumfestival.com.au  or calling artistic director Jenni Hibbard on 02 6672 8226.

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