Black Gully Music Festival

For the past three years HiCUB has been working steadily in the Guyra, Armidale, Uralla and Walcha communities, promoting biodiversity and regenerating the New England Landscape. Sadly the project is now coming to an end, but we intend to go out with a bang.
On Saturday February 11, HiCUB is holding the Black Gully Music Festival as a celebration of community, music and biodiversity. Bring your picnic blankets and dancing shoes, everybody is welcome at this free family event in Black Gully behind the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM).
Local bands including The Al Heeney Rhythm & Blues Experience, The BopCatz!, Bez Imena, Maracuja and more will provide the soundtrack for the day, from 1pm until 8pm.
We also have a whole lot of fun activities lined up for the kids, including face painting, a jumping castle, fairy floss and a special kids show at 3pm by The New Funny Green Smelly Things.
Food and beverages will be available on the day, and the Harvest restaurant will be open as well.
For those interested in what HiCUB has been doing on the ground there will be a display of achievements in the NERAM Mazda Room. You can then be a part of those achievements and continue the regeneration of Black Gully by planting a tree with the Armidale Tree Group along the creek.
The Black Gully site has been transformed by HiCUB, the Armidale Tree Group and the Friends of Black Gully volunteer group and we want to invite everybody to enjoy the new space. Restoration of this area has involved weed removal on a large scale, and many planting working bees. This is an ongoing project and the Armidale Tree Group will be taking over this site after HiCUB. The funds raised on the day will go towards supporting the Friends of Black Gully group and future improvements at the site.

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