Coal and gas tag along tour to Leard and Pilliga Forests

Participants at last month’s tour of the Pilliga

What’s all this hype about the coal and gas industry? What are our Australian farmers’ and regional communities’ concerns? Would you like to learn more?
“This is an opportunity to get a clearer picture from a closer angle,” said Vanessa Peterson, an organiser of the coal and gas tour.
“After the wonderful feedback after our Pilliga June tour, we have been working towards creating something fresh and have now included an opencut coal mine into the itinerary.
The main aim of these tours is to exhibit the enormity of this industry and to highlight the unsustainable methods and the impact of its expansion in our forests, on our farms and for our future.
“Tom and Vicky at the Royal Hotel in Manilla welcome those requiring budget accommodation on the Friday night. We will depart from there on Saturday, July 28 at 8.30am, sharing 4WD vehicles and petrol costs.”
With Coal Seam Gas frequently in the news, the tours offer an opportunity for everyone to access impacted regions and meet people directly affected by this fast growing industry.
Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas and Stop CSG Fracking Brisbane are community groups organising not for profit, monthly awareness tours to the Pilliga and Leard Forest in NSW, and the Darling Downs and Tara Estate in South East Queensland. The Darling Downs tour is on August 12 and includes Sharyn Munro and birds-eye view chopper rides, followed by Leard and Pilliga again on August 25.
Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas meets fortnightly 6pm Tuesday at Kent House, August 7. Please contact: for further information.

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