Violin virtuoso performs tonight

As part of the Mueller International Chamber Orchestra’s 2011 NSW Spring tour, Attilla Sautov will be performing in the Uniting Church, 114 Rusden Street in Armidale tonight, Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 8pm.
Attilla started playing the Violin at the age of four in Tashkent. His enormous talent and master classes with some of the world’s best violin players would soon allow him to win many international competitions.
In the year 2000 he moved to Germany where he worked as concert master in several leading orchestras. With them he did performances in the most prestigious venues all over the world like the Sydney Opera House, the Berlin Concert Hall, the Ottawa National Art Centre and the Hong Kong Art Centre.
He has become known for his extrovert and flamboyant stage presence and his tremendous command of the violin. One of his favourite composers is Paganini and playing his very difficult parts always turns out to be a jaw dropping experience, sending thrills and plucking pizzicatos down your spine.
Go and hear him play with the Mueller International Chamber Orchestra in the Uniting Church and be transported, listening to some of the most powerful, impassioned and colourful music in the solo violin repertoire:
A Vivaldi: “Spring” From the Four Seasons for Violin and Orchestra and Concerto for two Violins and Orchestra in A minor
P Tchaikovsky: “Souvenir d’un Lieu Cher” for Violin and Orchestra Op42
J S Bach: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A minor, BWV 1041
N Paganini: “Moses” Variation on One String on Rossini’s Theme
J Brahms: “Hungarian Dance” No 5 for Violin and Orchestra
T Albinoni: “Adagio” for Violin and Orchestra in G minor
W A Mozart: “Salzburg Symphony 1” in D, K 136
Tickets are available at the Armidale Visitor Information Centre, 82 Marsh St, Tel.: (02) 6770 3888, Tickets: Full $30, Concessions $25, Students $20, Children $10.

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