Proposed sale of surplus land

I write regarding the “proposed sale of surplus community land’ and in particular the inclusion of the splendid Hawke Street/Simpson Ave parkland in that proposal.
There is a letter from council’s General Manager on this matter, giving as justification the need for more funding for “road asset backlogs’ and “discretionary expenditure cuts’. I’m not sure what that fancy jargon means. However, there is one statement that I do understand. It is that “these vacant lots have had minimal to no use as parks or for other public recreation activities’. This quite erroneous assertion is being clearly refuted by other residents and ratepayers I believe.
What intrigues me is the assumption that such parks have a measureable use. Does council maintain statistics on the number of adults and children enjoying a stroll in their open space, or having a go on the swings, or students having a little cuddle on their way home from school?
Surely such parks are justified by just being there, part of our city’s attraction for past, present and future residents.

Kevin Smith,

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