Letter to the Mayor

Councillor Katie Milne this week issued an open letter to the Tweed press showing her request for leave from the extraordinary meeting held on Monday to decide on the new Tweed Shire General Manager. The letter and her decision not to attend the meeting follows Cr Milne’s expulsion from the selection panel back in January after she allegedly commented about the process in a newspaper.
Dear Mayor Longland,
I would like to seek leave of absence from the Extraordinary Meeting for the recruitment of the new General Manager to Tweed Shire Council due to my concerns for proper governance in that I do not believe that I have been provided with enough information to be able to make an informed decision on this matter, and particularly in light of my expulsion from the selection panel and interview process.
Despite my repeated requests for more information to be provided to me than just the candidates’ applications, this essential information has not been forthcoming.
I am concerned that I was only to be provided with the Mayor’s report on the selection process immediately before the meeting which I believe does not give me adequate time to consider this matter with due diligence.
I am also concerned that I did not receive any report on the emotional intelligence testing that the recruitment agency specifically undertook to carry out, references from all of the candidates, other information to enhance the ranking system such as the number of complaints, community/staff satisfaction surveys, local government performance reports, General managers’ performance reviews, media articles, as well as further information I specifically requested on two candidates.

Cr Katie Milne

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