I am getting so frustrated listening to all these half truths being put forward to say why we should keep polluting our country and our planet.
We have all heard these lies and people like Lord Monckton and his followers do not help their position when they liken those who disagree with them to Hitler.
Any simple investigation shows that, on a per person basis, Australia is the worst polluter in the world. If we sit back and do nothing then it is likely that we will get less rain and so our country will get dryer and our farmland made less productive. If we do nothing then we run the very real chance that we will lose our beautiful natural areas including our very own around Mt Warning.
The question then is not should we do something but what should we do?
Any simple investigation shows that many countries including India, the whole of the EU, and parts of America and China already have various types of carbon pricing mechanisms in place. These have been found to be effective in reducing pollution.
This is a decision not only for us but also for our children and their grandchildren. I for one don’t want future generations to complain that there world was destroyed by us because we did nothing when we had the chance.
S Pike, Tweed Head