In response

While I share the passion of Maria Hitchcock for Dumaresq Dam, I cannot share her insouciant attitude in recommending a ‘do nothing’ solution.
While councillors are, generally speaking, protected from legal action if their resolutions were arrived at in good faith and with due diligence, I think we would be skating on very thin ice indeed if we were to blithely ignore the directive of the State’s Dam Safety Committee. And we have seen the devastating consequences of unexpected flooding in southern Queensland in the recent past.
Luckily we have a window of opportunity of 12 months to look at various options, and to consult the community for their views.
While the General Manager talks of the possibility of a rate rise, it may be that the Water Fund may be robust enough to accommodate extra imposts. Residents may remember that, for a number of years, we had a drainage levy to improve the drainage situation in Armidale, and a small levy on the water charges, maybe in conjunction with a loan, may be enough to fund some of the options.
Finally, a more detailed technical investigation, which would of course also cost at least some money, might show that the dam is indeed safe after all. Only in such circumstances could I responsibly support a ‘do nothing’ option.

ADC Councillor Herman Beyersdorf

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