Save Dumaresq Dam

Support is steadily growing among residents in their campaign to save the iconic Dumaresq Dam.
The Save Dumaresq Dam Supporters Group now has a Community Facebook page called Save Dumaresq Dam so that residents or visitors can freely upload photos and happy snaps of their activities at the dam. People can also add their own comments to share with others. It’s very easy to access the page and you don’t even need to be registered with Facebook, as the page has public access.
The Supporters Group is urging as many people as possible, both residents and visitors, to click on the Like button and to encourage friends to do the same. Our Facebook page will allow the whole community to keep in touch easily with campaign developments and announcements.
An email Supporters Group has also been established and, if anyone would like to join this list, please email me on

Maria Hitchcock,
Chairman Dumaresq Progress Association/LAG

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