Taking a stand

I write in response to the vacuous questions posed by Mr B Dollery in this paper dated July 25.
Mr Dollery implies that somehow the Armidale branch of the ALP can be held accountable regarding the imbroglio pertaining to both the Health Services Union and its former national secretary Craig Thomson. As Mr Dollery knows full well, no connection exists between the Armidale branch of the ALP and the HSU and, as such, those questions raised by him should be treated with the utmost contempt that they deserve.
The one valid and pertinent question that Mr Dollery did raise asked “when will the Armidale branch take a stand against the NSW Labor Party?” Had Mr Dollery not been asleep at the wheel in relation to local political matters over the last decade, he would know that, under my presidency, the Armidale branch has taken a stand on issues that we believe to be correct, irrespective of the positions taken in ALP head office.
Tony Ramsay
Armidale ALP Branch

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